Für den Kurzfilm EVA heimsten unsere zwei Soundengineers Will Hudson und Laurenz Zschokke 10 Nominationen und gleich zwei Preise in der Kategorie «bester Kurzfilm» an internationalen Film-Festivals ein. Und nicht nur das, der Film wurde bereits in über 16 Ländern erfolgreich verkauft. Wir sagen «Bravo» und freuen uns über den Erfolg!

Short Synopsis:
Though being a swimmer, Eva was unable to save her brother from nearly drowning at sea. He now lies in a coma and the cold relationship with her mother is not helping Eva’s conscience either. She stumbles upon a mysterious puddle in her bathroom, which takes her to the depths of the sea. As her mother looks for Eva, she only finds a puddle of water that she starts to wipe away.
Location Sound Mix (Boom operator): William Hudson, Corsin Bader
Sound editing: William Hudson, Laurenz Zchokke, Thomas Rechberger
Sound design: William Hudson, Laurenz Zschokke, Thomas Rechberger
Nominierungen an folgenden Film-Festivals:
– Locarno Film Festival
– El Gouna Filmfestival
– Salento International Film Festival
– Screamfest LA
– BUFF film festival Malmö
– Philip K Dick Science Fiction and Supernatural Festival
– Solothurner Filmtage
– Bali International Short Film Festival
Gewonnene Awards:
– Kosh Film Fest
– Gässli Film Festival Basel
Verkäufe (via Premium Films):
– SRF (Switzerland)
– HBO Europe (Eastern European countries: Czech Republic, Slovak Republic,Hungary, Poland, Romania, Moldova (non-exclusive Romanian language), Bulgariaand Adriatic countries (former Yugoslavia) – Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Kosovo,Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia-Hercegovina)
– Russian VoD Platform
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